Sunday, 1 September 2013

How To Use Toothpaste To Fight Pimples?

How To Use Toothpaste To Fight Pimples?

I know you might find this ridiculous, but what if I told you to use some toothpaste to treat those unwanted pimples? Is must be shocking to know that toothpaste is one of the oldest remedies to treat pimples? Yes, it is when used in the right way!!!
Applying toothpaste on pimple is known way to reduce them owing to the presence of Triclosan, a preservative used in the manufacturing of toothpastes, soaps, body washes, and acne treatment products amongst others. The non-active ingredient, Triclosan is known to be useful as an anti-bacterial agent. In case of pimples, it works to cure by drying the pimple affected area.
However, one has to be careful while applying toothpaste on pimples because overuse can dry the skin. There are possible chances that it might or might not suit the person. So it’s better to get a thorough patch test before using it on the pimples.
Toothpaste for pimples treatment may be an inexpensive one, but choosing it wisely is very important step. It entirely depends on your skin type and the toothpaste you are likely to use.

Toothpaste for Pimples Treatment: Tutorial

So before you begin, read below to understand how it can be done first:


toothpaste for pimples
For mouth wash there are a number of toothpastes available in the market, which you can choose from, like the natural whites or gels. But when you‘re considering a toothpaste to treat pimples, it has to be a normal white toothpaste. This is because the normal toothpastes are more likely to feature identifiable ingredients than gel toothpastes, which sometimes have an added list of ingredients that might or might not be known.


Make sure that your hands are clean before toothpaste application. This is mandatory because you are more likely to aggravate the pimple with unknown bacteria on your hands.


Cleanse your face properly using a good cleanser. Make sure to use the right foaming cleanser for your oily or combination skin.


Best practice would be to use gloves or a clean sponge for application. Make sure that the sponge you are using is clean since they easily attract germs.


pimple toothpaste remedyTake a little amount of the toothpaste using the sponge or gloves and apply a very thin layer of it on the pimple and the circle surrounding it entirely.


benefits of toothpaste on pimples
Now let the toothpaste dry. Leave it on for few hours or overnight. This time completely depends on your skin type and the severity of the pimples.


Remove the toothpaste carefully using a clean sponge without rupturing the pimple. You will see that the toothpaste dries the pimple and reduces its size.
Most of the times we rupture pimples expecting it to cure fast, but in fact it makes the condition worse, causing bleeding that leaves scars on the face. This should be strictly avoided.


  • You must be very careful when you have a pimple on your face, do not touch it so often.
  • Try to wash your face at least with plain water once an hour to remove the excess oil on the face.
  • Cleanse with a good and suitable cleanser at least twice a day.
  • Wash your face once you return home to remove the dirt accumulated on your face.
These rules are a must for pimple prone skin. If you add them to your regular regimen, it will do wonders to your skin.

10 Simple Things You Can Do To Increase Height After 18 Years

10 Simple Things You Can Do To Increase Height After 18 Years

Being a polygenic trait, a person’s height is determined by genes to a significant extent. Apart from the genetic factors, height is also related to growth factor. It is a common belief that height gain halts when a person enters adulthood as the human body loses its natural ability to grow and develop.
grow taller
The age of 18 is the transition stage between childhood and adulthood. During adolescent period, several hormonal changes take place within the human body. It indeed is good news that an individual can grow 2 to 6 inches taller even after turning 18. Scientists have discovered that the human body is capable to further grow and develop. Therefore, there is a possibility to increase height with some external help.

How to Increase Height after 18 Years?

Though, it is possible to increase height after the age of 18 years, extra effort is required in order to reap positive results as the development of the body slows down gradually. It’s a well known fact that nutrition is imperative for further growth and development, most importantly natural height gain. In addition to this, a number of other factors should also be taken into consideration to trigger height growth after attaining the age of 18.

1. Healthy Breakfast:

It is recommended to have a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast is not at all a healthy option for your growth and hence your height. Having proper breakfast boosts your metabolism and thus has a positive effect on your height.

2. Proper Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is absolutely vital for a healthy body. Most people fail to reach their maximum height due to inadequate nutrition. To get proper nutrition, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet. Consumption of essential nutrients provides the required stimulus for increasing the body height both naturally and medically. Apart from these points, including food items rich in zinc, manganese and phosphorus also contributes to your growth.

3. Have Adequate Sleep and Rest:

Proper sleep and rest plays a vital role in overall growth and development. Teenagers require at least 8.5 to 11 hours of sleep every night. This is because the body grows and regenerates tissues during sleep. Moreover, human growth hormone, which is responsible for increasing height, is produced while sleeping. Hence, proper sleep and rest are mandatory for height gain.

4. Frequent, Smaller Meals:

Have six small meals in a day instead of three in order to boost your metabolism. The results of your height gain regime and the amount of human growth hormone produced depends on what you eat. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals required for attaining full height naturally.

5. Exercise and Yoga Regime:

Exercise is a vital factor in increasing your height. Simple exercises like skipping, hanging from an overhead bar and stretching the body by standing on your toes should be part of your daily workout routine. Additionally, sporting activities like basketball, football and swimming are also beneficial for increasing height. Yoga is also very effective.
stretching exercises to increase height

6. Maintain Ideal Body Weight: 

Obesity can have an adverse effect on your height. Obesity can cause several health problems too. Hence, it is important to maintain an ideal body weight by following a balanced diet and proper exercise regime.

7. Drink Plenty of Water: 

Water flushes out toxins from your body and aids in digestion. Therefore, at least drinking 8 glasses of water every day is recommended for a better health.

8. Avoid Growth Inhibitors:

Teenagers often adopt the habit of smoking and drinking without realizing the adverse effects on their growth. Antibiotics, drugs, cigarettes and alcohol act as growth inhibitors; therefore, avoid them to grow taller naturally.

9. Practice Good Posture:

A good posture plays a vital role in the development of your height. Always try to keep your head and neck aligned in a straight posture. Bending and slouching causes your spinal cord to suppress normal height.

10. Avoid Smoking and Drinking:

Indulging in smoking and drinking suppresses your primary growth. It initiates your secondary growth which adversely affects your height. Hence, it is better to refrain from immoral activities.
Here are all the tips on how to increase height after 18 in women. Fortunately, it is possible to increase height after 18 years is possible by following the above-mentioned steps. In spite of this, if your height has not increased much in between the time before and after puberty, it advisable to get medical help in order to get to the root of the problem.