Sunday, 1 September 2013

How To Use Toothpaste To Fight Pimples?

How To Use Toothpaste To Fight Pimples?

I know you might find this ridiculous, but what if I told you to use some toothpaste to treat those unwanted pimples? Is must be shocking to know that toothpaste is one of the oldest remedies to treat pimples? Yes, it is when used in the right way!!!
Applying toothpaste on pimple is known way to reduce them owing to the presence of Triclosan, a preservative used in the manufacturing of toothpastes, soaps, body washes, and acne treatment products amongst others. The non-active ingredient, Triclosan is known to be useful as an anti-bacterial agent. In case of pimples, it works to cure by drying the pimple affected area.
However, one has to be careful while applying toothpaste on pimples because overuse can dry the skin. There are possible chances that it might or might not suit the person. So it’s better to get a thorough patch test before using it on the pimples.
Toothpaste for pimples treatment may be an inexpensive one, but choosing it wisely is very important step. It entirely depends on your skin type and the toothpaste you are likely to use.

Toothpaste for Pimples Treatment: Tutorial

So before you begin, read below to understand how it can be done first:


toothpaste for pimples
For mouth wash there are a number of toothpastes available in the market, which you can choose from, like the natural whites or gels. But when you‘re considering a toothpaste to treat pimples, it has to be a normal white toothpaste. This is because the normal toothpastes are more likely to feature identifiable ingredients than gel toothpastes, which sometimes have an added list of ingredients that might or might not be known.


Make sure that your hands are clean before toothpaste application. This is mandatory because you are more likely to aggravate the pimple with unknown bacteria on your hands.


Cleanse your face properly using a good cleanser. Make sure to use the right foaming cleanser for your oily or combination skin.


Best practice would be to use gloves or a clean sponge for application. Make sure that the sponge you are using is clean since they easily attract germs.


pimple toothpaste remedyTake a little amount of the toothpaste using the sponge or gloves and apply a very thin layer of it on the pimple and the circle surrounding it entirely.


benefits of toothpaste on pimples
Now let the toothpaste dry. Leave it on for few hours or overnight. This time completely depends on your skin type and the severity of the pimples.


Remove the toothpaste carefully using a clean sponge without rupturing the pimple. You will see that the toothpaste dries the pimple and reduces its size.
Most of the times we rupture pimples expecting it to cure fast, but in fact it makes the condition worse, causing bleeding that leaves scars on the face. This should be strictly avoided.


  • You must be very careful when you have a pimple on your face, do not touch it so often.
  • Try to wash your face at least with plain water once an hour to remove the excess oil on the face.
  • Cleanse with a good and suitable cleanser at least twice a day.
  • Wash your face once you return home to remove the dirt accumulated on your face.
These rules are a must for pimple prone skin. If you add them to your regular regimen, it will do wonders to your skin.

10 Simple Things You Can Do To Increase Height After 18 Years

10 Simple Things You Can Do To Increase Height After 18 Years

Being a polygenic trait, a person’s height is determined by genes to a significant extent. Apart from the genetic factors, height is also related to growth factor. It is a common belief that height gain halts when a person enters adulthood as the human body loses its natural ability to grow and develop.
grow taller
The age of 18 is the transition stage between childhood and adulthood. During adolescent period, several hormonal changes take place within the human body. It indeed is good news that an individual can grow 2 to 6 inches taller even after turning 18. Scientists have discovered that the human body is capable to further grow and develop. Therefore, there is a possibility to increase height with some external help.

How to Increase Height after 18 Years?

Though, it is possible to increase height after the age of 18 years, extra effort is required in order to reap positive results as the development of the body slows down gradually. It’s a well known fact that nutrition is imperative for further growth and development, most importantly natural height gain. In addition to this, a number of other factors should also be taken into consideration to trigger height growth after attaining the age of 18.

1. Healthy Breakfast:

It is recommended to have a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast is not at all a healthy option for your growth and hence your height. Having proper breakfast boosts your metabolism and thus has a positive effect on your height.

2. Proper Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is absolutely vital for a healthy body. Most people fail to reach their maximum height due to inadequate nutrition. To get proper nutrition, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet. Consumption of essential nutrients provides the required stimulus for increasing the body height both naturally and medically. Apart from these points, including food items rich in zinc, manganese and phosphorus also contributes to your growth.

3. Have Adequate Sleep and Rest:

Proper sleep and rest plays a vital role in overall growth and development. Teenagers require at least 8.5 to 11 hours of sleep every night. This is because the body grows and regenerates tissues during sleep. Moreover, human growth hormone, which is responsible for increasing height, is produced while sleeping. Hence, proper sleep and rest are mandatory for height gain.

4. Frequent, Smaller Meals:

Have six small meals in a day instead of three in order to boost your metabolism. The results of your height gain regime and the amount of human growth hormone produced depends on what you eat. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals required for attaining full height naturally.

5. Exercise and Yoga Regime:

Exercise is a vital factor in increasing your height. Simple exercises like skipping, hanging from an overhead bar and stretching the body by standing on your toes should be part of your daily workout routine. Additionally, sporting activities like basketball, football and swimming are also beneficial for increasing height. Yoga is also very effective.
stretching exercises to increase height

6. Maintain Ideal Body Weight: 

Obesity can have an adverse effect on your height. Obesity can cause several health problems too. Hence, it is important to maintain an ideal body weight by following a balanced diet and proper exercise regime.

7. Drink Plenty of Water: 

Water flushes out toxins from your body and aids in digestion. Therefore, at least drinking 8 glasses of water every day is recommended for a better health.

8. Avoid Growth Inhibitors:

Teenagers often adopt the habit of smoking and drinking without realizing the adverse effects on their growth. Antibiotics, drugs, cigarettes and alcohol act as growth inhibitors; therefore, avoid them to grow taller naturally.

9. Practice Good Posture:

A good posture plays a vital role in the development of your height. Always try to keep your head and neck aligned in a straight posture. Bending and slouching causes your spinal cord to suppress normal height.

10. Avoid Smoking and Drinking:

Indulging in smoking and drinking suppresses your primary growth. It initiates your secondary growth which adversely affects your height. Hence, it is better to refrain from immoral activities.
Here are all the tips on how to increase height after 18 in women. Fortunately, it is possible to increase height after 18 years is possible by following the above-mentioned steps. In spite of this, if your height has not increased much in between the time before and after puberty, it advisable to get medical help in order to get to the root of the problem.

Saturday, 31 August 2013

20 Qualities for a Successful Life

How do you define a successful life? Is it by how much money or stuff you have amassed, or is it by the legacy you leave behind? All too often we equate a successful life with material possessions. Yet, there are millions of people out there who lead successful, fulfilled lives who may be of modest means. They may not be rich in the financial sense, but they are rich in life and values.

So what are the things we should strive for to make our lives successful and have a positive impact on those around us? Here is a list of traits that I think defines what true success in life is all about. Does your list differ?

  1. Sincerity. Be sincere in your actions. Don’t try to deceive or impress others. Be yourself, and do what you feel is right based on your values and beliefs. You will be surprised at how people accept you when you stop trying to be someone you aren’t.

  2. Unfeigned. Be genuine in what you do; your actions speak louder than your words. Don’t falsify or embellish events that may have happened. Don’t say one thing and do the other.

  3. Wholehearted. Be enthusiastic about what you do. Show it. Be committed to life and everything that you set out to accomplish in life. Devote yourself to your family, friends, and community and commit yourself to being the best father, husband, wife, mother, friend, and neighbor you can be.

  4. Honest. Be honest in your dealings with yourself and with others. When others interact with you, let them see someone who is reputable, respectable and genuine. Do what you say you will do and never use fraud or deception to get ahead in life. Let ethics, morals, and honor be your compass.

  5. Heartfelt. When you do something for someone, or they do something for you, let your thanks and emotion be openly and outwardly expressed towards them..
  6. Hearty. Be someone who displays an honest, warm, and exuberant personality to those around them. Let your feelings show and let them be genuine when they do.
  7. Humility. Don’t lead a life thinking you are better than others or are superior to those around you. Modesty and humbleness will leave a far more ever lasting impact on people than trying to show off.
  8. Personal integrity. Always follow your heartfelt values, and never let a situation or anyone steer you away from doing what you know is right. Be someone that people can look up to and respect and not someone who trades his or her moral values for material gains in life.
  9. Incorruptibility. Let it be known that you stand firm for what you believe in and that your morals, values and actions are not for sale. Don’t let outside forces corrupt the person you are.
  10. Sound. Show good judgment and sense in life. Don’t let prejudices or emotions cloud your judgment.
  11. Whole. Be focused on what you want to achieve in life. Give everyone you interact with your complete and undivided attention.
  12. Courtesy. Practice good manners even though others around you may not.
  13. Civility. Graciousness and respect go a long way in life. What is more, they are viral – when people see you doing it they are more apt to practice civility themselves. Be kind to others and extend courtesy towards them. Don’t interrupt people when they speak and don’t dominate the conversation.
  14. Wisdom. Gain from the wisdom that is inside you. Understand the inner qualities of people and learn how to understand situations that might be different than we are used to.
  15. Charity. Practice kind, gentle, and compassionate treatment of others – especially those who may be undeserving. Learn to extend a hand to help others, even though they themselves may not have helped you.
  16. Empathy. Be aware that each person is different and may have different values and beliefs than those that you hold. Be understanding of the feelings and thoughts of others without having to be told or reminded of them.
  17. Sympathy. Share your feelings with others and understand the emotional situations that people go through. Put yourself in their shoes.
  18. Compassion. When someone is in distress, reach out with a genuine interest in helping alleviate their suffering.
  19. Altruism. Think of others without thinking of yourself. Do good things for people without expecting something in return for yourself.
  20. Magnanimous. Be generous in life. Give of your time, money and wisdom. Share with others so they can see the true joy and adventures of life themselves.


Mostly we see every body wants to know how to get a fair skin. There are so many skin care products are available in market to improve your skin complexion but here I will explain about some easy home tips to improve your skin complexion with available products of daily use in your home. I will suggest some tips that you have to apply. Choose any tip and apply regularly. You will see how your skin complexion improves to get a fair complexion.
Apply following tips
>> Take equal amount of lemon juice and honey, mix it well and apply it on face and whole body leave it for half an hour and wash.
>> Take Gram flour and milk to create a smooth paste and mix about 4 to 5 drops of lemon juice in it. Mix it well and apply this paste on face and neck. When it dries up, wash it with water. Repeat this tips once in a week.
>> Take equal part of Yogurt and Tomato juice mix it well and apply it on your face and neck leave it for 20 minutes. and wash with water.
>> Take cucumber juice and lemon juice in equal part mix it well and apply this mixture on your face and body. Leave for half and hour and wash with water.
>> Take 4 table spoon full of Gram flour and add 1/2 teaspoon full of turmeric powder mix it well add some water to become a smooth paste. Apply it on your face and body. Leave it to dry and wash it with water.
>> Take grated Reddish or its juice and apply it on your face and body parts and leave for 15 mts and wash with water.
If you apply these tips regularly, you will see a magical effect on your skin complexion and your skin will become fairer gradually




Cross the Road... Chicken Keeps Going

Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side.

Why did she go to the other side? To go to the bar.

Why did she go to the bar? To go to the toilet.

Why did she go to the toilet? Because that's where all the cocks hang out.

Cross the Road... Blind Blonde

Q: Why did the blind blonde cross the road?

A: She was following her seeing-eye chicken

Cross the Road... Forgetful Chicken

Q: Why did the forgetful chicken cross the road?

A: To get to the other side -- er, no -- to go shopping -- no, not that either -- damn it.

Cross the Road... One-Handed Man

Q: Why did the one-handed man cross the road?

A: To get to the second hand shop.

Cross the Road... Redneck

Q: Why did the redneck cross the road?

A: He wanted to sleep in the ditch on the other side.

Friday, 30 August 2013




If you want to loose weight quickly you need to bring change in your lifestyle. Motivate yourself at first and throw a challenge of 10 days. At first you have to choose an effective weight loose program for you. And the following steps will help you to go forward.

1. Moderate exercise: If you don’t have high blood pressure, then wake up early in the morning, stretch your body and then go for a walk for 15 minutes. This is for the first day, you need to increase 10 to 15 minutes for the following days.

2. Drink a lot of water according to your body weight. We thought that 6 to 8 glasses of water is enough for us. In fact, it depends on the person’s body weight. Suppose your weight is 140lb, divide your weight with 2. It will be 70. And you need to drink minimum 70 ounce of water everyday.

3. For the first day eat only fresh fruits that contain a lot of anti oxidant like orange, lemon and other fruit.

4. You may have juice, tea or coffee, but it must be sugar free.

5. For the second and third day eat only vegetables. Add broccoli, cucumber, spinach, eggplant.

6. For the fourth and fifth day along with the vegetables have two glasses of milk- one glass in the morning and another in the evening.

7. On sixth and seventh day you may have low fat yoghurt, beans, an egg, two 250 gm of pasta with tomato sauce and a lot of water and sugar free juice.

8. On eighth and ninth day you can have vegetable soup and two slices of any kind of fish. But remember; don’t go for processed soup as they have hidden calories.

9. On the tenth day you may chose any of the above programs again.

10. On these 10 days you have to develop a healthy sleeping habit. When we sleep our body repaired. If you don’t have adequate sleep you will not loose weight.

With all these 10 steps you need to ensure that you’ll not eat any junk, fast or, processed food. You also need to avoid all types of drinks and soda. Don’t take too salty food.

So, don’t think when should I start? Go and start to get into the way to loose weight.




  • Save your loose change. Putting aside fifty cents a day over the course of a year will allow you to save nearly 40% of a $500 emergency fund.
  • Keep track of your spending. At least once a month, use credit card, checking, and other records to review what you've purchased. Then, ask yourself if it makes sense to reallocate some of this spending to an emergency savings account.
  • Never purchase expensive items on impulse. Think over each expensive purchase for at least 24 hours. Acting on this principle will mean you have far fewer regrets about impulse purchases, and far more money for emergency savings.
  • Use debit and credit cards prudently. To minimize interest charges, try to limit credit card purchases to those you can pay off in full at the end of the month. If you use a debit card, don't rely on an overdraft feature to spend money you don't have. With either approach, you'll have more money available for emergency savings.
  • Are you looking for an effective way to establish a budget? Beginning on the first day of a new month, get a receipt for everything you purchase. Stack and review receipts at the end of the month, and you will clearly be able to see where your money is going.
  • It pays to practice preventative dental care, since a good cleaning routine helps prevent fillings, root canals, and dental crowns, which are expensive and no fun.
  • Most people don’t track what they spend and may not realize when expenses add up to more than their budget can handle. To keep track of what I spend, I put what I think I should spend for the month on transportation, food, entertainment, etc., into envelopes. This helps me avoid buying things I don’t need, and what’s left over goes into saving.
  • Take advantage of discounts and/or incentive programs provided through your employer. For example, the company I work for offers discounted rates for computers, fitness center memberships, movie tickets and passes to summer festivals. Check your corporate intranet or talk to your human resources representative. And don’t forget the best deal of all – investing in your 401(k)!
  • One way to establish a savings discipline is to “save” an amount equal to whatever is spent on nonessential indulgences. Put a matching amount in a cookie jar for expenditures for beer, wine, cigarettes, designer coffee, etc. If you can’t afford to save the matching amount, you can’t afford the $4 super almond low-fat latte.
  • Take the amount the item costs and divide it into your hourly wage. If it’s a $50 pair of shoes and you make $10 an hour, ask yourself, are those shoes really worth five long hours of work? It helps keep things in perspective.
  • Aim for short-term savings goals, such as setting aside $20 a week or month rather than long term savings goals, such as $200 over a year. People save more successfully when they keep the short-term goal in sight.
  • Save money by buying items online, in bulk. Some companies even offer free shipping on large orders. Clearance items are sometimes available, and good savings can be found on non-perishable groceries and diapers. This saves time and money!


  • Substitute coffee for expensive coffee drinks.The $2 a day you could well save by buying a coffee rather than a cappucino or latte would allow you, over the course of a year, to completely fund a $500 emergency fund.
  • Bring lunch to work.If buying lunch at work costs $5, but making lunch at home costs only $2.50, then in a year, you could afford to create a $500 emergency fund and still have money left over.
  • Eat out one fewer time each month.If it costs you $25 to eat out, but only $5 to eat in, then the $20 you save each month allows you to almost completely fund a $500 emergency savings account.
  • Shop for food with a list and stick to it.People who do food shopping with a list, and buy little else, spend much less money than those who decide what to buy when they get to the food market.The annual savings could easily be hundreds of dollars.

Prescription and Over-the-Counter Drugs

  • Ask your physician to consider prescribing generic drugs. Generic drugs can cost several hundred dollars less to purchase annually than brand-name drugs.
  • Find the lowest-cost place to purchase prescription drugs. Make sure to check out not only your local pharmacist but also local supermarkets, area discount centers, and mail-order pharmacies.
  • Purchase storebrand over-the-counter medications. Storebrand medications often cost 20-40 percent less than nationally advertised brands. The savings could easily exceed $100 a year.


  • Avoid bouncing checks or overdraft fees each month. The $20-30 you save by not bouncing a check each month would save you enough money to nearly fully fund a $500 emergency savings account.
  • Reduce credit card debt by $1,000. That $1,000 debt reduction will probably save you $150-200 a year, and much more if you're paying penalty rates of 20-30%.
  • Make your monthly credit card payment on time. The $30-35 you save by not being charged a late fee each month on one card would save you most of the money you need for $500 in emergency savings
  • Use only the ATMs of your bank or credit union. Using the ATM of another financial institution once a week could well cost you $3 a withdrawal, or more than $150 over the course of a year.


  • Shop around for auto and homeowners' insurance: Before renewing your existing policies each year, check out the rates of competing companies (see the website of your state insurance department). Their annual premiums may well be several hundred dollars lower.
  • Raise the deductibles on auto and homeowners' insurance: Being willing to pay $500-1,000 on a claim, rather than only $100-250, can reduce annual premiums by as much as several hundred dollars.
  • Assess your need for life insurance coverage. If your children are now on their own, or if your spouse works, you may not need as much life insurance protection. The annual premiums on a term life policy would typically fully fund an emergency savings account
  • Consider dropping credit insurance coverage on installment loans. Many consumers don't need credit insurance because they have sufficient assets to protect themselves in the event of death, disability, or unemployment. Terminating this coverage often reduces financing costs by three percentage points, a savings of about $1,000 on a four-year $20,000 installment loan.


  • Keep your car engine tuned and its tires inflated to their proper pressure. Doing both can save you up to $100 a year in gas.
  • Shop around for gas. Comparing prices at different stations and using the lowest-octane (recommended by the car owner's manual) can save you hundreds of dollars a year.
  • When driving, avoid fast start-ups and stops. Over time, you will save hundreds of dollars on lower gas and maintenance costs.
  • Take fewer cab rides. Using public transit instead of cabs can save you $5-10 per trip or more. If you're a frequent cab user, the savings could complete ly fund your emergency savings account.
  • Check all airlines for cheap fares. Since no website lists all discount carriers, also check out the websites of discount carriers like Southwest and Jet Blue, possibly saving you hundreds of dollars.


  • Don't pay for space you don't need. Americans have relatively large houses and apartments. Think about more efficiently using space so you can purchase or rent less square footage.
  • Live relatively near your workplace. While this isn't always possible, driving 5,000 miles less a year can lower transportation costs by more than $1,000.
  • Refinance your mortgage to lower interest charges. Consider refinancing your mortgage to lower the rate and term. On a 15-year $100,000 fixed-rate mortgage, lowering the rate from 7% to 6.5% can save you more than $5,000 in interest charges over the life of the loan. For each $100,000 you borrow at a 7% rate, you will pay over $75,000 less in interest on a 15-year than a 30-year fixed rate mortgage. And, you will accumulate home equity more rapidly, thus increasing your ability to cover large emergency expenditures.
  • Choose home repair contractors wisely. Favor contractors who have successfully performed work for people you know. Insist on a written, fixed-price bid. Don't make full payment until satisfactory completion of the work.

Home Heating and Cooling

  • Ask your local electric or gas utility for a free or low-cost home energy audit. The audit may reveal inexpensive ways to reduce home heating and cooling costs by hundreds of dollars a year. Keep in mind that a payback period of less than three years, or even five years, usually will save you lots of money in the long-term.
  • Weatherproof your home. Caulk holes and cracks that let warm air escape in the winter and cold air escape in the summer. Your local hardware store has materials, and quite possibly useful advice, about inexpensively stopping unwanted heat or cooling loss.
  • Use window coverings to block or let in sunshine. In summer, use these coverings to block sunlight, keeping your house cool. In winter, open the coverings to let sunshine warm the house. You could easily save more than $100 annually while being more comfortable.


  • Look for sales at discount outlets. There are huge price differences between clothing on sale at discount stores and that sold regularly at many department and specialty stores, though keep in mind that prices at the latter are often deeply discounted.
  • Consider purchasing previously-used clothes from Good Will, second-hand stores, or school or church thrift sales. With a little effort, you can find low-priced, high-quality used clothing items that can be worn for many years.
  • Assess clothing in terms of quality as well as price. An inexpensive shirt or coat is a poor bargain if it wears out in less than a year. Consider fabric, stitching, washability, and other quality related factors in your selection of clothes.
  • Clean clothes inexpensively. Wash and iron clothes yourself. If you use a cleaner, compare prices at different establishments. A 50 cent difference in cleaning a shirt, for example, can add up to $100 a year.


  • Assess your communications costs. As Internet and wireless use grows, many consumers are overpaying for unneeded communications capacity. For example, if you have a cell phone and two phone lines -- one for your computer -- consider receiving personal calls on your cell phone so you can give up one of the phone lines.
  • Communicate by e-mail rather than by phone. If you're on-line, e-mail communications are virtually free. Even for subscribers, landline and wireless calls often carry per-minute charges.
  • Be aware of your cell phone costs and how to reduce them. Cell phone use has dramatically increased communications expenditures in many households. Understand peak calling periods, area coverage, roaming, and termination charges. Make sure your calling plan matches the pattern of calls you typically make.


  • Research free or inexpensive entertainment in your community. Use local newspapers and websites to learn about free or low-cost parks, museums, film showings, sports events, and other places which you and your family would enjoy.
  • Give up premium cable channels or better yet, cable all together. It's a lot cheaper to rent one film a week than watch one on premium cable channels that may cost more than $500 a year.
  • Borrow books rather than purchasing them. Borrowing books and reading magazines at your local library, rather than purchasing reading material, can save you hundreds of dollars a year.
  • Attend high school rather than college or pro sports events. High school sports events rarely cost more than $5 and are often free, with hot dogs and sodas typically costing $1-2. College and pro football and basketball games rarely cost less than $20, and their concessions are usually several times more expensive.

Family and Friends

  • Plan gift-giving well in advance. That will give you time to decide on the most thoughtful gifts, which usually are not the most expensive ones. And if these gifts are products that must be purchased, you will have the opportunity to look for sales.
  • In families, discuss limits on spending for gifts. These limits not only tend to reduce expenditures; they also be greatly appreciated by the least affluent family members.
  • Socialize at pot-luck meals rather than at restaurants. Because one wants to be generous to friends and family, there may be huge cost savings here.
  • Consider writing letters instead of making frequent phone calls. Thoughtful letters are usually far more highly valued than phone conversations, and they are often saved by recipients for future reading.

Friday, 4 January 2013


Mylot is one of the fastest growing money making sites on the Internet. It is free to join and use. You will never be asked for your credit card. Mylot pays it's over 30,000 members on the 15th of each month for the previous month's earnings. Payments are made through Paypal when you have reached the minimum $10 payout.

There are several ways to earn money with Mylot. Here are 5 of them:

1. Ask questions. Whenever you ask a question that someone else gives an answer to, you earn. The more popular the question, the more money you will earn. I suggest you look for popular topics (topics with more than 20 responses) and think of a good, unique question that hasn˜t been asked in that category.

2. Answer questions. To answer a question click on the discussion tab. You are also free to leave comments to other people's responses, but you will not be paid for those. To earn the most you will want to answer each question with as much detail as possible. Make sure you have at least 3 to 4 sentences in your answer. It also helps to use key words or words that were used in the question within your response.

3. Add images. Mylot pays for images. Any images you would like to use. You may add images to your question and to your answers. This alone can double your potential earnings. I submitted the same Wiggles picture with several of my questions and answers and earned each time.

4. Your interests. It is worth your time to click on "My Interests" and fill them out. Whenever you submit a question through one of your interest categories Mylot pays you extra. It will take some time to set up, but it is a step that pays off big in the end.

5. Referrals. Possibly one of the quickest ways to multiply your income is by referring others to Mylot. Mylot pays you 25% of what your referral is earning. That equals $.25 for you for every $1.00 your referral makes. If you have 100 referrals earning you $.25 per day that equals $25 per day or $750 per month. Not everyone who signs up participates, however, so you will never want to stop trying to get referrals. It is not hard to do. I currently have 148 and counting. Referrals account for 80% of my earnings per month on Mylot.

If you are already involved with Mylot or are interested in giving it a try, I would encourage you to implement the suggestions above. It will significantly increase how quickly you earn and allow you to earn maximum profits.

Thursday, 3 January 2013


Taekwondo /ˌtˌkwɒnˈd/ (Korean 태권도 (跆拳道) [tʰɛk͈wʌndo]) is a martial art originating in Korea. It combines combat techniques, self-defense, sport, exercise, and in some cases meditation and philosophy. In 1989, taekwondo was the world's most popular martial art in terms of number of practitioners.[1] Gyeorugi (pronounced [kjʌɾuɡi]), a type of sparring, has been an Olympic event since 2000.
There are two main branches of taekwondo development, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive:
  • "Traditional taekwondo" typically refers to the martial art as it was established in the 1950s and 1960s in the South Korean military, and in various civilian organisations, including schools and universities. In particular, the names and symbolism of the traditional patterns often refer to elements of Korean history, culture and religious philosophy. 'Traditional Taekwon-Do' may refer to ITF Taekwon-Do as created by the founder of ITF Taekwon-Do General Choi Hong Hi on April 11, 1955.
  • "Sport taekwondo" has developed in the decades since the 1950s and may have a somewhat different focus, especially in terms of its emphasis on speed and competition (as in Olympic sparring). Sport taekwondo is in turn subdivided into two main styles; one is practiced by WTF Taekwondo practitioners, and derives from Kukkiwon, the source of the sparring system sihap gyeorugi which is now an event at the summer Olympic Games and which is governed by the World Taekwondo Federation (WTF). Today, the Kukkiwon, or World Taekwondo Headquarters is the traditional center for WTF taekwondo; founded by Dr Kim Un Yong on May 25, 1973.. The other comes from the International Taekwon-Do Federation (ITF).[2]
Although there are doctrinal and technical differences between sparring in the two main styles and among the various organizations, the art in general emphasizes kicks thrown from a mobile stance, employing the leg's greater reach and power (compared to the arm). Taekwondo training generally includes a system of blocks, kicks, punches, and open-handed strikes and may also include various take-downs or sweeps, throws, and joint locks. Some taekwondo instructors also incorporate the use of pressure points, known as jiapsul, as well as grabbing self-defense techniques borrowed from other martial arts, such as hapkido and judo.
In Korean, tae (태, ) means "to strike or break with foot"; kwon (권, ) means "to strike or break with fist"; and do (도, ) means "way", "method", or "path". Thus, taekwondo may be loosely translated as "the way of the hand and the foot."[3] The name taekwondo is also written as taekwon-do, tae kwon-do, or tae kwon do by various organizations, based on historical, philosophical, or political[citation needed] reasons.