Friday 30 August 2013




If you want to loose weight quickly you need to bring change in your lifestyle. Motivate yourself at first and throw a challenge of 10 days. At first you have to choose an effective weight loose program for you. And the following steps will help you to go forward.

1. Moderate exercise: If you don’t have high blood pressure, then wake up early in the morning, stretch your body and then go for a walk for 15 minutes. This is for the first day, you need to increase 10 to 15 minutes for the following days.

2. Drink a lot of water according to your body weight. We thought that 6 to 8 glasses of water is enough for us. In fact, it depends on the person’s body weight. Suppose your weight is 140lb, divide your weight with 2. It will be 70. And you need to drink minimum 70 ounce of water everyday.

3. For the first day eat only fresh fruits that contain a lot of anti oxidant like orange, lemon and other fruit.

4. You may have juice, tea or coffee, but it must be sugar free.

5. For the second and third day eat only vegetables. Add broccoli, cucumber, spinach, eggplant.

6. For the fourth and fifth day along with the vegetables have two glasses of milk- one glass in the morning and another in the evening.

7. On sixth and seventh day you may have low fat yoghurt, beans, an egg, two 250 gm of pasta with tomato sauce and a lot of water and sugar free juice.

8. On eighth and ninth day you can have vegetable soup and two slices of any kind of fish. But remember; don’t go for processed soup as they have hidden calories.

9. On the tenth day you may chose any of the above programs again.

10. On these 10 days you have to develop a healthy sleeping habit. When we sleep our body repaired. If you don’t have adequate sleep you will not loose weight.

With all these 10 steps you need to ensure that you’ll not eat any junk, fast or, processed food. You also need to avoid all types of drinks and soda. Don’t take too salty food.

So, don’t think when should I start? Go and start to get into the way to loose weight.

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